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About Me


Was I born with intuitive capabilities?  Probably.  But it wasn't until a drowning accident and the realization that I was taking my final breath at age 11 was I first introduced to my spirit guide "Raymond".  Through incredible stories from attempted abduction as a child at Radio City Music Hall to living a life of losing my voice to the final realization that I could no longer ignore God's calling do I stand before you humble in knowing that I now stand in my own truth. 











I have helped thousands of people just like you who want to know there is more to this life.  When you meet with me you will hear about countless encounters of love stories from the other side, hear about my greatest experiences along the way that included helping a young child reconnect with is father who was a police officer who crossed to the other side way too soon, reuniting a wife who lost her husband to a massive heart attack, to being involved in working with the Authorities in other states to help solve missing children cases.  


I will help and encourage you to listen to the divine guidance in your own life.  It does not take an intuitive to help you make the connection in life but I am so honored that you are here in mine. 


Through understanding that all the trials and tribulations that God puts us through in life do we manage to begin to understand the many experiences we go through in life are really blessings in disguise.


When I speak about the great Divine I speak about God.  For I cannot do what I do nor be blessed to have this gift without his great blessed guidance and presence in my life.  I again, stand humble in that.


When you attend a spiritual group session or a private session with me you will learn so much about your own life.  Together we will learn to:


Listen to the signs for they are all around us.  Do we listen or do we choose to ignore them?


Yes, there are angels amoung all of us and they do walk the earth and test us.  You will meet Ruth, my first encounter with an angel.


You will learn how to begin to manifest the perfect life you have always begun to envision for yourself.  How do I do this?  Through vision boards and goal setting. 


The Universal principals of the Law of Attraction are such an inspirational key component in my life each and every day.  You have heard this before I'm sure: You are what you think you are.  Isn't this so true?


You will learn to find your way to compassion in living in your truth.  Take a journey with me and let's walk hand in hand to clarity....








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